Neurofeedback for Stress & Anxiety

Some stress is normal and can enhance performance. However, prolonged exposure to stress can create negative entrenched patterns, making it increasingly difficult to return to a relaxed state.

Chronic stress impairs performance in almost every aspect of life. It influences the central nervous system’s tone, disrupts hormonal balance, suppresses the immune system, and hampers mental processing and emotional regulation.

Anxiety and stress manifest not only mentally but also physically, potentially leading to migraines, fears, phobias, sleep disturbances, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive issues, anger problems, adrenal fatigue, and burnout. Prolonged stress adversely affects nearly every system in the body.

Neurofeedback offers a targeted and direct approach to retrain the brain, guiding it back to a natural, flexible state. This method helps break the cycle of involuntary fight/ flight responses, enabling a shift back to a balanced and contented state of being. By learning to regulate the nervous system and anxiety through neurofeedback, individuals can achieve greater emotional balance and resilience, improving their overall quality of life.

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Frequently asked

Some people find that neurofeedback sessions can make them temporarily tired, as is the case with any form of exercise. Others find it energising. It all depends on your baselines and goals.

Neurofeedback benefits tend to be different for each individual. With consistent training the new neuro-connections / pathways are integrated and become dominant over time. A healthy lifestyle does help to support the process.

Neurofeedback is not yet recognised by the NHS.

If you are located in the USA, Neurofeedback is covered by most US health insurance companies.

Any reductions in medication should be handled by your doctor. NEVER stop taking or alter your dosage of prescribed medications without consulting with the prescribing physician.

We don’t diagnose, nor is a diagnosis required to understand the problem. We map your brain, looking for areas of over or under-activity that correspond to your symptoms, and design a brain training programme to help you move forward.

For this reason, neurofeedback is better viewed as ‘personal training’ rather than a ‘treatment’; a way to shift your mind out of stuck patterns to relieve the corresponding symptoms. Nor is neurofeedback a ‘cure’ for these diagnosed conditions; we work toward symptom resolution by resolving the underlying imbalances.

Because neurofeedback is essentially structured exercises for your brain, the term ‘side effect’ isn’t applicable in the same sense as for medications. Unlike medication, nothing is put into the body or brain.

Neurofeedback brain training is teaching the brain into new positions. As such, some clients report feeling tired in the same way they do learning new skills. Others, feel more energised as their brain comes into better balance.

As with all holistic therapies, there can be a temporary amplification of old moods for those with emotional conditions or trauma before the difficulty passes away and the issue fades away.

Choosing healthier lifestyles supports the process. As does moderating alcohol and drug use.

Your therapist will give you personalised recommendation if needed.

Everyone is coming from a different place and everyone’s goals are different.

We prioritise your training to meet your goals, and you can expect to get a good degree of movement towards those goals.

The shifts are so organic to the brain that the way you feel and act seem perfectly natural – and it is, as you are acting more like yourself and less from automatic reactions. It doesn’t mean you won’t encounter life’s problems anymore, it just means you’ll handle them in a healthier way and the feelings won’t linger as before.

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