It is a groundbreaking therapeutic intervention developed from Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory. It involves listening to specially filtered music that targets the middle ear muscles, stimulating the vagus nerve and promoting a state of safety in the body. This process helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system, enabling better emotional regulation, social engagement, and stress management.
Who Can Benefit
SSP is beneficial for individuals of all ages, particularly those who experience challenges with anxiety, depression, trauma, sensory processing, autism spectrum disorders, and other neurodevelopmental conditions. By calming the nervous system, SSP can reduce stress, improve social interactions, and enhance the efficacy of other therapeutic interventions.
Flexibility and Accessibility
Whether administered in-person or remotely from the comfort of your home, SSP offers a flexible approach to meet your individual needs. The protocol can be tailored to your pace, ensuring that the experience is safe and effective. It’s a valuable tool that can complement existing therapies, making it a versatile option for those seeking holistic well-being.
SSP works by presenting the auditory system with sounds that encourage the nervous system to shift from a defensive state to one of safety and connection. The music is carefully filtered to amplify frequencies associated with the human voice, providing cues of safety that calm the nervous system. This makes it easier for individuals to engage socially, manage emotions, and build resilience to stress.
Light movement, breathing exercises, and drawing, colouring or puzzle activities are recommended. High-intensity exercise, cognitively demanding tasks, and video games or computer work are generally not recommended.
The SSP incorporates music you might already recognise. This music is processed through an algorithm that amplifies intonation variations within the frequency range of human speech, helping to train the auditory system to recognise cues of safety.
For those seeking a non-vocal, trauma-sensitive option, a classical playlist is also offered. This alternative preserves the core elements and original algorithms of the SSP while being more accessible.
I didn’t tell (my daughter’s) teachers anything about her having sessions, and all of them commented on how well behaved and focused she’s been. She’s so happy, and so good in herself.
(He) is sitting still, paying attention, concentrating and getting lots of positive feedback which is helping to build his self esteem. A few students / parents have commented to me how different he seems / is behaving in class. He is more motivated and willing to work!
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